
by BellSystem24 Inc



Even the face of the fateful partner and the face of the child with that person are revealed! Cumulative number of downloads is over 1.9 million. We will tell you the face / name / income / occupation / personality of your destined partner in a surprisingly specific way.

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あなたは『運命の相手』の存在を信じますか?「どこかにいる」と信じるあなたも「そんなもの存在しない」と疑うあなたも誰にでも『運命の相手』は、間違いなく存在します。当アプリでは、あなたがこの先の人生で出逢うことになる運命の相手の「顔」「名前」「収入「職業」」「性格」を驚くほど具体的にお教えします。◆◇◆顔までわかる運命の相手占い鑑定内容◆◇◆・【待てば無料】あなたの五人目の運命の相手の顔を鑑定・【配信無料】約3ヶ月間に渡りあなたの運命の相手からメッセージが届きます・さらに運命の相手と築く将来の家族構成、そして子どもの顔まで鑑定します◆◇◆アプリ実績◆◇◆・スマートフォンアプリでの累計ダウンロード数は190万ダウンロード以上(2019年1月31日現在)・日テレ系「人生が変わる1分間の深イイ話」で今田耕司さんの運命の相手を占いました(2013年5月20日放送)◆◇◆おすすめ【顔画像付】占い◆◇◆・あなたの≪一人目≫の運命の相手。年齢、名前、性格、職業、収入、入籍日まで!・あなたの≪二人目≫の運命の相手。年齢、名前、性格、職業、収入、入籍日まで!・あなたの≪三人目≫の運命の相手。年齢、名前、性格、職業、収入、入籍日まで!・あなたの≪四人目≫の運命の相手。年齢、名前、性格、職業、収入、入籍日まで!・あなたの≪五人目≫の運命の相手。年齢、名前、性格、職業、収入、入籍日まで!・子ども顔がわかる【未来家系図転写】結婚/老後/家族計画~人生に訪れる出来事◆◇◆3ヶ月間に渡って届くメッセージ◆◇◆・運命の相手からのメッセージ・あなたのこの先の運命についてのメッセージ・好きなあの人の気持ちについてのメッセージ・好きなあの人との未来についてのメッセージ◆◇◆毎日無料で鑑定◆◇◆・今日の恋愛タロット・今日の出逢い運勢◆◇◆完全無料占い◆◇◆恋人ができないのはなぜ?あなたが生まれてきた意味と使命あの人はあなたを異性として意識している?あの人が夢中になる異性のタイプ異性が抱くあなたの第一印象驚くべきあなたの潜在能力ふたりの恋を左右する重大な出来事とは?あの人はあなたを恋愛対象として見ている?私はどんな異性からモテる?深層心理における「本当のあなたの姿」あの人があなたに望んでいることあの人が心を許した人にしか見せない仕草あなたが直すべき欠点とは?あの人と急接近するためにはどうすればいい?あの人が本音を見せる場面幸せな恋を約束してくれる異性はどんな人?あなたが背負う人生のカルマあの人とは何度すれ違っても最後に結ばれる?あの人が隠しているブラックな一面運命の人を早く引き寄せるには?あなたの運命サイクルあの人との距離を縮めるにはどうすればいい?あなたが気づいていないあの人の本性運命の恋を告げる出来事あなたが歩む未来一年後、ふたりの関係はどうなっていますか?あの人が示す「好き」のサイン運命の人が現れない理由恋愛も遊びも仕事も全てうまくいくためは?次、あなたが恋に落ちる異性はどんな人?この先、本気で好きになれる人に出逢えますか?この先の人間関係の変化あなたに惹かれている異性◆◇◆本格細密占い◆◇◆相手目線で【真実解禁】あの人があなたへ望む“願望”この恋の最終結末どれほど待てば報われる? 苦しすぎるこの恋の末にあるふたりの関係遠い話ではありません。あなたとあの人ふたりが結ばれる運命の日付あの人が想いを伝えに来る「決断の日」、そして迎える最終結末とは?抗えぬ魅力、言えない言葉、秘めた情欲……あの人の抱く七つの本心身体、心、恋の未来……結婚まで! あなたとあの人、真実の絶対相性どう映っている? 外見、印象、評価、雰囲気「周囲から見たあなた」完全解明「あなたという人間、そのすべて」~本質、能力、歩む人生~一年以内に出逢い、その瞬間に惹かれて結婚まで進む「宿縁の異性」気づいていますか? 異性がどうしても惹かれてしまうあなたの魅力もうすぐあなたに訪れる「運命的な出逢い」~相手の特徴から時期まで【究極回答】あなたの片想いのすべて~本音・恋相性・結ばれる可能性どうしようもなく苦しい恋……最終的にあの人に選ばれるのは私?あなたへの印象・本音・展開……あの人が胸に秘めた本音すべて入籍日まで白日の下に! 必ず出会い、結ばれる運命の異性あの人の心の裏の裏……建前・本心・葛藤 その先にある恋展望あなたとあの人ふたりをつなぐ「生まれる前からの宿縁」そして未来相性、本音、未来、そして結末……完全鑑定「この恋の全真実」この仕事、もうやめてもいい? もし転職したら人生はどう変わる?出逢って一秒で直感! 目が合った瞬間に恋が始まる「運命の異性」【全解読】あなたの人生に待受ける三つの大転機とその後の変化あの人が絶対口にしない、けれども伝えたい想い~その六つの真実あなたが結婚するのはこの日!運命の出逢いから結婚までの全軌跡あの人が隠している「三つの秘密」~本音・欲望・伝えたい言葉~今あなたを好きで、結婚をも視野に入れている異性、それは誰?あなただけを愛し続ける【運命の相手】~容姿・性格・出逢う日~【結婚を望む全ての方へ】出逢ってから瞬く間に結ばれる「特別な異性」【片想い詳細鑑定】あとどれくらい想い続ければ、あの人と結ばれる?何から何まで知りたいこと全て教えます!あの人の本音、秘密、恋愛遍歴、愛欲出逢いがない人必見!この一年で絶対に出逢う「運命の結婚相手」今、知っておきたいあの人の本心、相性、未来、結婚まで完全鑑定!○月×日あなたの孤独が終わる!結婚以外に結末はない「運命の相手」近くにいます!あなたを好きで結婚を考えている【運命の相手】寂しい…淋しい…死んでしまいそう…あの人とは本当に結ばれる運命?【推奨環境】OS:Android4.1以上※有料占いご利用の注意点・一部有料占いがございます。・一度ご購入した占いでも、再度鑑定する場合は料金が発生します。・購入した占いを再度閲覧する場合は、鑑定履歴からご参照ください。・アプリをアインストールした場合は、一度ご購入した占いでも再度料金が発生し、鑑定履歴も完全に削除されます。・有料占いは、ご購入した端末のみで閲覧が可能です。Do you believe in the existence of a "destined partner"? Whether you believe that you are "somewhere" or you suspect that "there is no such thing", there is definitely a "fateful partner".In this app, we will tell you the "face", "name", "income" occupation "" and "personality" of the person you are destined to meet in your future life in a surprisingly specific manner.◆ ◇ ◆ Fateful partner fortune-telling appraisal contents that can understand even the face ◆ ◇ ◆・ [Free if you wait] Appraise the face of your fifth destined partner・ [Free delivery] You will receive a message from your destined partner for about 3 months.・ Furthermore, we will appraise the future family structure to be built with the fateful partner, and even the face of the child.◆ ◇ ◆ App achievements ◆ ◇ ◆・ Cumulative number of downloads on smartphone apps is over 1.9 million (as of January 31, 2019)・ Fortune-telling the fateful partner of Mr. Koji Imada in the NTV system "One minute deep story that changes your life" (broadcast on May 20, 2013)◆ ◇ ◆ Recommended [with face image] Fortune-telling ◆ ◇ ◆・ Your «first» fateful partner. Age, name, personality, occupation, income, enrollment date!・ Your «second person» fateful partner. Age, name, personality, occupation, income, enrollment date!・ Your «third» fateful partner. Age, name, personality, occupation, income, enrollment date!・ Your «fourth» fateful partner. Age, name, personality, occupation, income, enrollment date!・ Your «fifth» fateful partner. Age, name, personality, occupation, income, enrollment date!・ Understanding the face of a child [Transfer of future family tree] Marriage / old age / family planning-events to visit in life◆ ◇ ◆ Message that arrives over 3 months ◆ ◇ ◆・ Message from the fateful partner・ A message about your future destiny・ A message about the feelings of that person you like・ A message about the future with that person you like◆ ◇ ◆ Free appraisal every day ◆ ◇ ◆・ Todays love tarot・ Fortune to meet this sunrise◆ ◇ ◆ Completely free fortune-telling ◆ ◇ ◆Why cant I have a lover?The meaning and mission you were born withDoes that person recognize you as the opposite sex?The type of the opposite sex that person is crazy aboutYour first impression of the opposite sexAmazing your potentialWhat are the important events that affect their love?Does that person see you as a love affair?What kind of opposite sex do I get popular with?"The true picture of you" in deep psychologyWhat that person wants from youGestures that only those who forgive their hearts can seeWhat are the shortcomings you should fix?How can I get close to that person?The scene where that person shows his true intentionsWhat kind of person is the opposite sex who promises a happy love?The karma of your lifeNo matter how many times you pass that person, will you be tied at the end?The black side that person is hidingHow to attract the destined person quickly?Your fate cycleHow can I get closer to that person?The nature of that person you are unaware ofAn event that tells the love of fateThe future you walkWhat is the relationship between the two a year later?The "like" sign that person showsThe reason why the destined person does not appearHow can love, play, and work all go well?Next, what kind of person are you in love with?Can you meet someone who you really like in the future?Changes in human relationships in the futureThe opposite sex attracted to you◆ ◇ ◆ Full-scale fortune-telling ◆ ◇ ◆From the other persons point of view [Truth lifted] The "wish" that person wants from you The final ending of this loveHow long do you have to wait to be rewarded? The relationship between the two at the end of this love that is too painfulIts not a distant story. The fateful date when you and that person are unitedWhat is the "decision day" when that person comes to convey his feelings, and what is the final ending?Unbearable charm, unspeakable words, hidden lust ... the seven true hearts of that personBody, mind, future of love ... until marriage! You and that person are the absolute compatibility of the truthHow is it reflected? Appearance, impression, evaluation, atmosphere "You seen from the surroundings"Complete elucidation "You are the human being, all of them" -essence, ability, walking life-"The opposite sex of the inn" who met within a year and was attracted to the moment and proceeded to marriageAre you aware of it? Your charm that the opposite sex is inevitably attracted"Fateful encounter" to come to you soon-from the characteristics of the other party to the time[Ultimate answer] All of your unrequited love-real intention, love affair, possibility of being tiedA painful love that cant be helped ... Is it me who will be chosen by that person in the end?Impressions, real intentions, developments for you ... All the real intentions that person has in his chestUnder the white sun until the date of enrollment! The opposite sex destined to meet and be tiedBehind the back of that persons heart ... Tatemae, true heart, conflict"Before you are born" and the future that connects you and that personCompatibility, real intention, future, and ending ... Complete appraisal "All the truth of this love"Can I quit this job anymore? If you change jobs, how will your life change?Intuition in one second when you meet! "The opposite sex of fate" where love begins the moment the eyes meet[Complete decipherment] Three major turning points in your life and subsequent changesThat person never says it, but the feelings he wants to convey-the six truthsYou will get married on this day! The whole trajectory from the encounter of fate to marriage"Three secrets" hidden by that person-real intentions, desires, words to convey-Who is the opposite sex who likes you now and is looking to get married?Continue to love only you [Fateful partner] -Appearance, personality, day of encounter-[For all who want to get married] "Special opposite sex" that is tied in a blink of an eye after meeting[Detailed appraisal of one-sided feelings] How long do you have to keep thinking to connect with that person?I will tell you everything you want to know! That persons true intentions, secrets, love itineraries, lustMust-see for those who have never met! "Fateful marriage partner" that you will definitely meet in this yearCompletely appraise the persons true feelings, compatibility, future, and marriage that you want to know now!○ Month × Day Your loneliness is over! "Fateful partner" who has no ending other than marriageIm nearby! I like you and am thinking about getting married [Fateful partner]Im lonely ... Im lonely ... Im about to die ... Is it really destined to be connected with that person?【Recommended environment】OS: Android 4.1 or higher* Notes on using paid fortune-telling・ There are some paid fortune-telling.・ Even if you purchase a fortune-telling once, you will be charged if you re-appraise it.・ If you want to browse the purchased fortune-telling again, please refer to the appraisal history.・ If you install the app, you will be charged again for fortune-telling once you have purchased it, and the appraisal history will be completely deleted.・ Paid fortune-telling can be viewed only on the device you purchased.軽微な不具合を修正しました。